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1、Chinas Jewelry Market Development Report(2019-2024)中中国国珠珠宝宝市市场场发发展展报报告告(2019-2024)中国珠宝玉石首饰行业协会Gems&Jewelry TradeAssociation of China2024.12GAC1关关于于本本报报告告的的说说明明Notes about the report:编编制制单单位位:中国珠宝玉石首饰行业协会Compilation Unit:Gems&Jewelry TradeAssociation of China(GAC)编编制制目目的的:本报告是中国珠宝玉石首饰行业协会对过去 5 年中国珠宝行

2、业经济运行情况进行系统调研分析之结果,用于本协会会员单位、行业内部交流,不公开出版发行。Compilation Objectives:The report is the result of GACs systematicsurveys and analyses of the economic operations of Chinasjewelry industry in the past five years,aimed at internalcommunications among the association members and industryinsiders,and not fo

3、r public publication or distribution.数数据据信信息息:本报告数据信息来源于:(1)政府部门、专业机构的公开数据;(2)编制单位通过调研自行采集的行业企业或相关单位的信息;(3)编制单位自有数据库历史资料。鉴于相关原始数据采集、统计和测算方法及其他因素,(1)本报告一些数据或观点、结论可能与业者个体实际感受存在某种程度的偏差;(2)编制单位无法承诺本报告中所有数据信息均能一一回溯并与市场个体的相关指标互相验证;(3)在报告编纂过程中,基于实际情况,编者可能会对援引的某些历史数据进行修正。Data Information:The source of the r

4、eports data information is from thefollowing:(1)open data from government departments andprofessional institutions;(2)industry,enterprises or relevantGAC2units information collected by the compilation unit throughsurveys;(3)historical information from the databases of thecompilation unit.In view of

5、relevant raw data collection,statistical analysis,calculating method and other factors,(1)there may be a certaindegree of deviation between some data,views or conclusions ofthe report with practitioners actual feelings;(2)the compilationunit couldnt promise that all the data information of the repor

6、tcan be backtracked and mutually verified by relevant parametersof the market entities;(3)during the compilation process,thecompiler may have revised some quoted historical data based onactual situations.关关于于版版权权:本报告版权归其编制单位中国珠宝玉石首饰行业协会所有。未经版权所有者书面同意,任何单位或个人不得复制本报告用于公开出版或其他商业目的。只有基于评论或报道宣传之目的,可以部分引用

7、本报告内容和数据图表,但必须注明引文出处和它的版权所有者。About Copyright:The reports copyright belongs to the compilation unitGAC.Without the written permission of copyright owners,nounits or individuals are allowed to duplicate the report for publicpublication or other commercial purposes.Only for the purposesof commenting or

8、 reporting can one quote part of the content anddata figures of the report,and the source of citation as well as itscopyright owners should be indicated.GAC3说说明明:(1)本报告中所提到的增长率均为年均复合增长率;(2)本报告中未特别注明来源的数据,均来自中国珠宝玉石首饰行业协会。Explanation:(1)All the growth rates mentioned in this report are thecompound ann

9、ual growth rate(CAGR);(2)Unless otherwisespecified,all the data in this report is sourced from the GAC.致致谢谢:上海钻石交易所、上海黄金交易所、世界黄金协会、国际铂金投资协会、中国黄金协会等专业机构为本报告提供了数据支持。Acknowledgements:Professionalinstitutions,suchastheShanghaiDiamond Exchange,Shanghai Gold Exchange,World GoldCouncil,World Platinum Inves

10、tment Council,China GoldAssociation,have provided data support for the report.GAC4目目 录录一一、2019-2023 年年中中国国珠珠宝宝市市场场的的发发展展状状况况.6(一)零售市场:增速领先 结构性调整步伐加快.6(二)进出口:对欧美贸易额大幅增长.17(三)网上销售:增速处于领跑位置.21(四)上市公司:营收、利润增速可观.22(五)头部品牌:引发珠宝市场马太效应.27(六)零售终端:渠道布局加速下沉三四线城市.27二二、2024 年年前前三三季季度度珠珠宝宝市市场场的的主主要要表表现现.33三三、对对未未

11、来来的的几几点点观观察察.37CONTENTSI.Development Status of Chinas jewelry market from 2019 to 2023.61.Retail market:Leading in growth,and accelerating in structural adjustment62.Imports and exports:Large increase in trade with Europe and America.173.Online sales:Leading in growth rate.214.Listed companies:Consi

12、derable growth rate in revenue and profit.225.Top brands:Causing Matthew Effect.276.Retail terminal:Channel distributions speeding up penetrating into third-tier andfourth-tier cities.27II.The performance of Chinas jewelry market in the first threequarters of 2024.33III.Insights to the future.37GAC5

13、中国珠宝市场发展报告(2019-2024)重点是对过去 5年间中国珠宝零售市场增长态势、进出口、主要品类市场、上市公司业绩、线上销售、终端渠道建设等 6 个方面,进行事件回溯与数据整理,力图以更大的视野观察中国珠宝市场发展的历史经纬和竞争格局的演变,希望能对中外珠宝业者对过去五年中国珠宝市场发展的总体情况、演进态势、变革动力等方面进一步加深认识,为中外珠宝品牌布局中国市场提供有价值、有意义的参考。Chinas Jewelry Market Development Report(2019-2024)focuses on the following six aspects:Chinas jewel

14、ry retail marketsgrowth trends,imports and exports,major segment markets,listedcompanies performances,online sales,and terminal channelconstruction during the past five years.Through event backtrackingand data sorting,the report endeavors to observe the historicalcontext and competition landscape of

15、 Chinas jewelry marketdevelopment in broader perspectives.It hopes to provide valuableand meaningful references for domestic and overseas jewelrypractitioners to deepen their understandings of the overall situation,evolution trends and change dynamics of Chinas jewelry marketdevelopment in the past

16、five years,and for domestic and overseasjewelry brands to tap into the Chinese market.本报告分三个部分:一是 2019 年至 2023 年中国珠宝市场的发展状况,二是2024年前三季度市场的主要变化和特点,三是对未来发展趋势的展望。GAC6The report consists of three parts.The first part covers thedevelopment status of Chinas jewelry market from 2019 to 2023.The second part talks about the major changes and characteristics ofChinas jewelry market in the first three quarters of 2024.The thirdpart is about the outlook of the markets future development trends.一、2019-2023 年


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